Sunday, February 11, 2018

Surya Namaskar: 10 Steps vs.12 Steps

In my last blog post of 15 Minutes daily to start your Journey for Stress Free Life, I talked about how anyone can start small or take baby steps to embark on a journey of a stress-free life. One of the important things I highlighted in that was cultivating a habit of performing daily Surya Namaskars or Sun Salutations.

There are many different ways or versions of Surya Namaskars. The most prominent difference in those versions is about the number of steps used. Either there are 10 steps used or 12 steps used while performing Surya Namaskars. We often get confused regarding which method to follow, which one is correct, and why. In this post, I'll share my thoughts and experiences encountered while conducting various yoga sessions. 

This picture describes 12 steps Surya Namaskars:

Pic Courtesy: Vivekananda Kendra Prakashan Trust Calendar 
This table provides asanas used in this 12 step method along with breathing style.

Step #
आसन āsana Breathing Style
हस्त उत्थानासन hasta utthānāsana Inhale
पाद हस्तासन pāda hastāsana Exhale
अश्व सन्चालनासन  aśva sancālanāsana  Inhale
चतुरंग दंडासन  caturaṃga daṃḍāsana  Exhale
शशांकासन śaśāṃkāsana Inhale and Exhale
अष्टांग​ नमस्कारासन aṣṭāṃga namaskārāsana Exhale and Hold
भुजन्गासन bhujangāsana Inhale
पर्वतासन parvatāsana Exhale
शशांकासन śaśāṃkāsana Inhale and Exhale
अश्व सन्चालनासन  aśva sancālanāsana  Inhale
पाद हस्तासन pāda hastāsana Exhale
प्रणामासन praṇāmāsana Inhale

  • The only difference between the 10 step method and the 12 step method is an addition of  śaśāṃkāsana  (or Rabbit pose)  at step # 5 and # 9
  • Every time I conduct a Surya Namaskar session, I teach only 12 step method as a lot of people provided me a positive feedback about this method. People who were skeptical of performing Surya Namaskars in the beginning of a session were able to do it without any pain, issues or doubts. People with back pain were also able to perform Surya Namaskars without any complaints.
  • There is a logical reasoning behind performing 12 steps Surya Namaskars. śaśāṃkāsana (or Rabbit pose) is a natural relaxing position. A child often sleeps in this position. This asana provides a good relaxing stretch to the upper body. Due to its nature and calming effect, it also relaxes the mind and removes depression or anxiety. It improves blood supply to the head and thus nourishes the eyes and the brain functions. While performing 1 Surya Namaskar, this asana is done twice and in a cycle of 12 Surya Namaskars, it is done 24 times. Hence, it is quite natural that 12 step method provides more encouragement to anyone to perform Surya Namaskars due to the addition of śaśāṃkāsana (or Rabbit pose)


There is no right or wrong method while performing Surya Namaskars. If 12 steps method is encouraging you to continue performing Surya Namaskars, then go for it. If you're already using 10 steps method and happy with it, then continue with it. Follow the method that best suits to your body as performing daily Surya Namaskars with accurate positions and appropriate breathing style is really important to get its benefits.  

In the next blog post, I'll talk about the effects of sound using Bij Mantra's or seed syllables while performing Surya Namaskars. 

Disclaimer: Before performing Surya Namaskars or any yoga postures, always consult your doctor and exercise caution as these postures may have certain limitations.