Sunday, February 11, 2018

Surya Namaskar: 10 Steps vs.12 Steps

In my last blog post of 15 Minutes daily to start your Journey for Stress Free Life, I talked about how anyone can start small or take baby steps to embark on a journey of a stress-free life. One of the important things I highlighted in that was cultivating a habit of performing daily Surya Namaskars or Sun Salutations.

There are many different ways or versions of Surya Namaskars. The most prominent difference in those versions is about the number of steps used. Either there are 10 steps used or 12 steps used while performing Surya Namaskars. We often get confused regarding which method to follow, which one is correct, and why. In this post, I'll share my thoughts and experiences encountered while conducting various yoga sessions. 

This picture describes 12 steps Surya Namaskars:

Pic Courtesy: Vivekananda Kendra Prakashan Trust Calendar 
This table provides asanas used in this 12 step method along with breathing style.

Step #
आसन āsana Breathing Style
हस्त उत्थानासन hasta utthānāsana Inhale
पाद हस्तासन pāda hastāsana Exhale
अश्व सन्चालनासन  aśva sancālanāsana  Inhale
चतुरंग दंडासन  caturaṃga daṃḍāsana  Exhale
शशांकासन śaśāṃkāsana Inhale and Exhale
अष्टांग​ नमस्कारासन aṣṭāṃga namaskārāsana Exhale and Hold
भुजन्गासन bhujangāsana Inhale
पर्वतासन parvatāsana Exhale
शशांकासन śaśāṃkāsana Inhale and Exhale
अश्व सन्चालनासन  aśva sancālanāsana  Inhale
पाद हस्तासन pāda hastāsana Exhale
प्रणामासन praṇāmāsana Inhale

  • The only difference between the 10 step method and the 12 step method is an addition of  śaśāṃkāsana  (or Rabbit pose)  at step # 5 and # 9
  • Every time I conduct a Surya Namaskar session, I teach only 12 step method as a lot of people provided me a positive feedback about this method. People who were skeptical of performing Surya Namaskars in the beginning of a session were able to do it without any pain, issues or doubts. People with back pain were also able to perform Surya Namaskars without any complaints.
  • There is a logical reasoning behind performing 12 steps Surya Namaskars. śaśāṃkāsana (or Rabbit pose) is a natural relaxing position. A child often sleeps in this position. This asana provides a good relaxing stretch to the upper body. Due to its nature and calming effect, it also relaxes the mind and removes depression or anxiety. It improves blood supply to the head and thus nourishes the eyes and the brain functions. While performing 1 Surya Namaskar, this asana is done twice and in a cycle of 12 Surya Namaskars, it is done 24 times. Hence, it is quite natural that 12 step method provides more encouragement to anyone to perform Surya Namaskars due to the addition of śaśāṃkāsana (or Rabbit pose)


There is no right or wrong method while performing Surya Namaskars. If 12 steps method is encouraging you to continue performing Surya Namaskars, then go for it. If you're already using 10 steps method and happy with it, then continue with it. Follow the method that best suits to your body as performing daily Surya Namaskars with accurate positions and appropriate breathing style is really important to get its benefits.  

In the next blog post, I'll talk about the effects of sound using Bij Mantra's or seed syllables while performing Surya Namaskars. 

Disclaimer: Before performing Surya Namaskars or any yoga postures, always consult your doctor and exercise caution as these postures may have certain limitations.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

15 Minutes daily to start your Journey for Stress Free Life

Are you getting stressed in your daily life? Don't have time to go to the gym? Want to have an energetic day every day? Want to loose weight etc.? These are common problems everyone is facing in this fast paced life. But, the thousands of years old gift from India to the world i.e.,Yoga has answers to all these problems.  

Let's start small, take some baby steps. Let's not add more stress due to new year resolutions. 

Can you carve out 15 mins from your daily routine? Not really? Start with 5 minutes and gradually increase it to 15 minutes every day without fail. Start  spending those 15 minutes on the following activities.  

  1. Surya Namaskar  or Sun Salutations: Start your day with sun salutations to get energy booster. It is a yogic practice of 10 (or 12) physical postures called 'āsanas' practiced in a consecutive sequence. It is easy to do, less time consuming and provides enormous benefits to your body, mind and soul. A quick search on YouTube can give you thousands of videos on how to perform sun salutations and what benefits it offers. If you have never done this before, start with 1-2  Surya Namaskars daily and gradually increase it to 10-12  over a period of 3-4 weeks. With a regular practice, a set of 13 Surya Namaskars (each containing 10-12 postures) won't take more than 7-8 minutes. Start small but do it consistently (Total time 7-8 minutes).
  2. Kapalbhati (kapālabhātī): It is a frontal brain cleansing technique to shine the kapāla,  or brain. It helps to stimulate the brain cells. This cleansing activity, a preparatory step for pranayama or breathing exercise, consists of rapid exhalations like bellows of a goldsmith sucking abdominal muscles inwards and the air rushing out of the nostrils. Again,  a quick search on YouTube can give you thousands of videos on how to perform kapalbhati and what specific benefits it offers. With practice, one can perform 60-120 forceful exhalations per minute.  Start with a few exhalations and increase it gradually  with consistent practice (Total time 2-3 minutes).
  3. Bhramari (bhrāmarī): Another pranayama, or breathing exercise, called as Bee Breathing technique, is very useful for getting a calming effect on the mind almost immediately. Continuously practicing it benefits in reducing high blood pressure and mental stress.  In this exercise, you need to exhale slowly through your nostrils by producing humming sounds; like a buzzing bee with eyes, ears and mouth closed. click here to know how to perform. You can perform this technique in any sitting position such as either cross legged, sitting on chair etc. (Total time 2-3 minutes)
So what is the big deal about these 3 techniques compared to all other yoga techniques? 
  • Each one of them is very effective
  • You spend less time but get more benefits
  • You can start with any one of them. E.g. start with Bhramari for immediate results
How to do it?
  • Ideally, start doing these in the morning, but if you can't, it is fine to do in the evening as well
  • More effective when you do it with an empty stomach
  • Start small, progress gradually and be consistent
  • When you do all the three, follow the same sequence as mentioned above
With years of practice, I realized that starting small with simple activities will help one engaged and interested in continuing these activities regularly. I do all three every day. Start your day with lots of energy, or end it stress free by spending less than 15 minutes daily, and results are guaranteed!   

P.S. Use these three activities to get you a head-start for developing discipline for conducting regular exercise. Once developed, you can get on to more advanced yogic practices to get more benefits.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Yoga in Scriptures

After practicing yoga for few years and specially after completion of the Yoga Instructor's  Course (YIC) recently, I'm trying my best to quest my thirst for knowledge about yoga. more specifically, going to the source (i.e. scriptures) to find out the true knowledge related to yoga.  This post is an attempt to compile all information available with me to share the references of yoga in scriptures of Hinduism. 

There are four paths of Yoga:

  1. Karma Yoga: This is the path of action. It is the process of achieving perfection in selfless action that ultimately leads to the moksha or liberation of soul.
  2. Jnana Yoga: This is the path of Knowledge. It the process of self-liberation through the pursuit of intellectual knowledge
  3. Bhakti Yoga: This is the path of true devotion and love towards god with no desire of anything in return.
  4. Raja Yoga: This is the Royal path amongst all. This includes various asanas, pranayam, kriya and  meditation techniques. 

Each of these paths have been described in detail in the scriptures as referenced below. Srimad Bhagvad Gita describes all paths very clearly.

Raja Yoga has the maximum number of references  /detail description in the scriptures. Most translations in other languages have also been made for this path of yoga.

Besides all these original scriptures, there are thousands of interpretations / translations of each one of these scriptures by various scholars, yogis and practitioners. However, many a times, the true message from the original scripture gets lost in translation or interpretation. Hence, this attempt to compile the list of all original scriptures so that those, including me, who want to study further on any paths of yoga, they can refer to the original scriptures directly to gain the true knowledge.

It does not matter which path you choose. To attain the libration of soul or moksha, some aspects of all the paths are necessary to be practiced with a dominance of one. 

Saturday, March 11, 2017

YIC- Personal Contact Program (PCP) - A Divine Experience

Many of us arrived on the Tuesday night of the 21st February at the Prashanti Kutiram, the campus of the S-VYASA in the southern outskirts of Bangalore, India. Personally, for me, the experience with the program coordinator was not that great. Neither anyone picked up the phone nor the emails were answered for more than a week before the start of the program. Hence, I was a bit skeptical about this whole PCP as I had flown from the USA for this program. I had a lot of questions about the stay, food, structure of the program, teachers, quality of training etc. With all these loaded questions in mind, I also reached the Prashanti Kutiram. I realized that I was a bit late in the evening as the orientation had already begun by the time I had reached the Santosh hall. The formality of basic orientation completed. However, I was still not clear where I was going to stay. After working with the coordinators, finally, I got the room. Subrata Ji walked with me to show me my room. Till then I had no idea about the room, whether or not it is on a sharing basis or for alone. All these questions were still not answered. We went to the first floor of a nice new building near the entrance of the campus. Room # 1 was assigned to me along with other person but the person who had also occupied the room was not there. He came within a couple of minutes. Rohit Kumar was the first person that was introduced to me ever since I had come to the campus. Besides Sumanth Ji, the program coordinator and his colleague  Subrata Ji, everyone else was unknown to me. Unfortunately, there were no icebreaker games or activities that could have introduced us with each other. Program schedule was given to us. It was a full day packed schedule of about 16 hours per day starting at 5.00 am and ending by 9.00 pm. We were instructed to be at the Santosh hall before 5.00 am the next day. I settled in my room and got more conversant with my room partner.
                      Next day morning most of us reached the Santosh hall before 5.00 am. The instructor had already arrived in the hall and was waiting for everyone to join. To my surprise, the class began at sharp 5.00 am on Wednesday morning. It was a cool nice morning in Bangalore. Except for the chirps of the bird, it was very quiet. Our class began with the morning prayers. The silence of the morning was broken with a nice, clear and a loud voice of our instructor. The day began as per the schedule. Everything was new to us. OM chanting in the beginning, Asana practice with loosening exercise was covered in first 2 sessions. It was followed by 'Maitri-Milan'. Everyone was very curious to know about this session. It was a congregation of all students from all streams of this university. Current sessions were focused on the Bhakti-Yoga. Compiled verses from the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita were chanted very nicely in this session followed by a short explanation of one of these verses by one of the prominent teachers of this university.
                   After Maitri-Milan was the breakfast session. We were still getting used to different practices being followed in the Prashnti Kutiram. Since our rooms were a little far off from the dining hall, we had to go back to the room to bring our steel plates for the breakfast and then place it back to the room once the breakfast was over. It was followed by the first 2-hour theory lecture. A lot of info on the basics of the Yoga was provided in this lecture. Somehow sessions were happening per schedule but the ice between the participants was yet to be broken to be able to know each other. The first day was completed at 9.00 pm with a feedback session in the happy assembly session. Throughout the day, both Rohit and I visited our room multiple times to pick up and drop off the steel plate. This was a good exercise to know each other. At the end of the day, I'm sure everyone was very tired. After talking for a while, we went to our bed.
               The next day also started at 5.00 am and all the activities were happening as per the schedule. Finally, a session was scheduled which divided the entire class into 4 different groups namely Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and Raja Yoga. This really broke the ice between the participants for the first time. Within each group, everyone introduced themselves and even though it was a little late, we started knowing at least a few more people. After this session, there was no looking back. Since I had been through such camps before, I knew that after 2-3 days, everyone will start knowing everyone and the gelling process will begin.
         As sessions were happening according to the schedule, participants also started knowing each other. Be it the kriya session, or the Trataka session or a few mins before or after each session, everyone was talking to different people within the class. Theory exams also brought everyone closer to each other. People were talking to each other in different small groups and preparing for this exams and were seen helping each other. After the theory exams, though it was very formal and very strict, everyone was a bit relaxed. The outing at the nearby hilltop was really fun. We must have walked close to 3-4 KMs in the hot afternoon to reach to the hilltop. This outing brought out the true person from each participant (whoever participated in the outing). A lot of funny as well as serious discussions on the way to the hilltop and on our way back had already started the bonding process between various participants. S-VYASA coordinators further contributed to this process by bringing the snacks, Milk and the very sweet watermelons for participants to enjoy in the informal setting. A lot of pictures were taken individually as well as in the groups. By the time we reached the campus, it was already dark. Though all of us were very tired, we had started knowing each other very well in this process.
       The bonding between each one of us was naturally happening and growing. Be it a hallway conversations before or after each session, or walking over from one hall to another hall or having tea and snacks together, everyone already started feeling being part of one big family. YIC WhatsApp group was flowing with different pictures and the addition of different members from the class. After the practical exams and Viva's were over, everyone really started freaking out. But the big thing was yet to happen. After all the exams were over, most of us who were interested in performing at the happy assembly at the end of the 7th day were putting a lot of efforts into preparing for the performance. Group photo events for all the participants along with the teachers and the coordinators was another fun event for solidifying the bonding between each other. However, the bonding between the participants had reached the peak during the preparation of performances. Finally, everyone performed very well and happy assembly became the happiest and the unforgettable moment for everyone. Even after the performances were over, everyone was still hanging around the happy assembly hall. A few participants left the same night after the performances.  But, many of us were waiting for the moment for the next day morning. In the serene environment of the Prashanti Kutiram at 5.30 am in the morning, the special Puja started and finally, we all were given our Certificates of YIC completion from the dignitaries of the S-VYASA.


After the certificates distribution, everyone was really free to go back to their respective places. Participants for YIC February 2017 batch had come from various countries like USA, China, Vietnam, Latvia and from various states in India. Though the course was over, no one was really interested in parting ways. Everyone wished if we could have stayed a bit longer. Finally, with a promise to meet again sometime, somewhere in the near future, everyone started their journey back home. Though the Personal Contact Program was over, the real journey had just begun. The journey of the divine experience which this PCP had given to all of us will continue forever!